John Novak is a colorist, illustrator, and graphic designer best known for his color work on Call Me Iggy and the all-ages graphic novels Giants Beware!, Dragons Beware!, and Monsters Beware! by Rafael Rosado and Jorge Aguirre, all published by First Second Books.
Other projects have included coloring Super Kitties for Disney Jr, three Ultra Squad adventures for Justice Studio, and 10 books for Lerner Publishing Group—the six-book Tricky Journeys series, and three Summer Camp Science Mysteries.
Other projects have included coloring Super Kitties for Disney Jr, three Ultra Squad adventures for Justice Studio, and 10 books for Lerner Publishing Group—the six-book Tricky Journeys series, and three Summer Camp Science Mysteries.
John lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife, daughter, and two rescue mutts.
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